This module provides a basic rules integration for webform. -- REQUIREMENTS -- You need the following modules for a working feature: * Webform ( * Rules ( optional: * Token ( -- INSTALLATION -- Copy the module files to you module directory and then enable it on the admin modules page. After that you'll see a new event in the listing while creating a new rule. -- USAGE -- Using the submitted data in a rule is easy, as you can access it either via PHP (requires core module "PHP Filter") or using tokens (after installing the Token-module []). PHP: Each rule reacting on an event thrown by "Webform Rules" gets 3 arguments to work with: * $user The user object of the acting user (the one, who submitted the webform). * $node The webform itself. * $data The submitted webform data and the submission id. To get the submission id, use . The components of the webform are stored using this structure: array( '{form_key}' => array( 'value' => {submitted value}, 'component' => {webform component}, ), ) Given this structure, you can access the value of a component called "email" with . Warning: This is raw user input! Make sure to run this through check_plain() before using it. Note: The component value is always an array since the submission data is saved this way. Token: There are 9 pre-defined tokens for the webform data: * [data:sid] Token to get the unique identifier of the submission. * [data:data] This one prints out all data submitted by the webform in the following format: {form_key}: {label}: {value} * [data:data-raw] This one does exactly the same as [data:data] with the difference to not clean up the values using check_plain(). * [data:{component}-title] This is a dynamic token. "{component}" is a placeholder for the components form key (machine readable name). Example: your webform has a component with the form key "email". So you would write [data:email-title] to use the title (label) of this field. * [data:{component}-value] Same as [data:{component}-title], but it returns the value instead of the title. * [data:{component}-value-html] This one does exactly the same as [data:{component}-value] with the difference that its output will be rendered as html. * [data:{component}-value-raw] This one does exactly the same as [data:{component}-value] with the difference to not clean up the value using check_plain(). This is raw user input so take care if you use this somewhere else. * [data:{component}-display] Returns a combination of [data:{component}-title] and [data:{component}-value] (done by module Webform). * [data:{component}-display-html] This one does exactly the same as [data:{component}-display] with the difference that its output will be rendered as html. Condition: Webform Rules adds a new condition to the rules configuration. With this condition you can tell rules to react only on one specific webform by selecting its title. Actions: Webform Rules provides some additional actions to either open or close webforms or fetch a list of submissions for a webform. -- AUTHOR -- Stefan Borchert