CONTENTS OF THIS FILE --------------------- * Introduction * Requirements * Installation * Recommended Modules * Configuration * Maintainers INTRODUCTION ------------ The Redirect module provides a unified redirection API (also replaces path_redirect and globalredirect) and allows users to redirect from old URLs to new URLs. * For a full description of the module visit: * To submit bug reports and feature suggestions, or to track changes visit: REQUIREMENTS ------------ This module requires no modules outside of Drupal core. RECOMMENDED MODULES ------------------- Multi-path autocomplete helps provide auto-complete listings for the destination textfield on the redirect form. * Multi-path autocomplete - Pathauto can be configured to automatically generate path redirects to ensure that URL alias changes do not break existing links. * Pathauto - Pathologic helps transform relative links in content to absolute URLs. Most helpful when you move your site to a new domain or different folder. * Pathologic - Match Redirect provides redirecting based on path patterns with wildcards. Does not extend or require the Redirect module itself. * Match Redirect - INSTALLATION ------------ * Install the Redirect module as you would normally install a contributed Drupal module. Visit for further information. CONFIGURATION -------------- 1. Navigate to Administration > Modules and enable the module. 2. Navigate to Administration > Configuration > Search and Metadata > URL redirects for configuration. 3. Select "Add redirect" and in the "Path" field add the old path. 4. In the "To" field, start typing the title of a piece of content to select it. You can also enter an internal path such as /node/add or an external URL such as Enter to link to the front page. 5. Open the Advanced options and select the Redirect status: 300 Multiple Choices, 301 Moved Permanently, 302 Found, 303 See Other, 304 Not Modified, 305 Use Proxy, or 307 Temporary Redirect. Save. 6. Once a redirect has been added, it will be listed in the URL Redirects vertical tab group on the content's edit page. MAINTAINERS ----------- * Sascha Grossenbacher (Berdir) - * Dave Reid - Supporting organizations: * Lullabot - * Acquia -