DrupalChat provides one on one chat. It provides a static sleek chat bar at the bottom of the web browser. There is a selectable list of Online Users like in Facebook chat. Once you choose a particular user to chat with, it creates a new tab in the chat bar along with an attached pop-up chat window. REQUIREMENTS ============ - This module is written for Drupal 7.x. - Session API (optional) - if you want to use DrupalChat for anonymous users, then you need to install and enable this module. - User Relationships (optional) - if you want to integrate DrupalChat with this module. INSTALLATION ============ 1. Download the module from drupal.org/project/drupalchat and save it to your modules folder. 2. Enable the DrupalChat module at admin/modules. 3. Set the Access DrupalChat permission for authenticated users at admin/people/permissions. INTEGRATION WITH USER RELATIONSHIPS =================================== 1. Enable the DrupalChat UR Integration module. 2. Go to the admin/config/drupalchat/configuration and fill in the required details after configuring up the User Relationships module. ADMINISTER THE DRUPALCHAT MODULE ================================= Go to admin/config/drupalchat/configuration.